
Moldy crumbs of worldly pleasure or Feasting on the Presence?

I was reading the blog of theologian Adrian Warnock from the UK. He commented about an upcoming book written by a man named John Owen. Adrian says that John feels distant from many modern-day Christians. When I read this I wanted to add that I do too and that I do not find this to be a suprise,but rather a tragedy. How often do we talk about a conscious relationship with the living Christ? How much do we truly enjoy his presence? Adrian asks. " How much are we aware of how precious he is? Is our failure to truly pursue a conscious experience of Jesus part of the reason why we often struggle to fight against sin? Who would eat the moldy crumbs of pleasure that the world would offer us when we have feasted on the delights to be found in knowing Christ?"
And here are Owen’s words:
"When once the soul of a believer has obtained sweet and real communion with Christ, it looks about him, watches all temptations all ways whereby sin might approach, to disturb him in his enjoyment of his dear Lord and Savior, his rest and desire. How does it charge itself not to omit anything, nor to do anything that may interrupt the communion obtained! And because the common entrance of temptations which tend to the disturbance of that rest and complacency which Christ takes in the soul, is from delightful diversions from actual communion with him; therefore is desire strong and active that the companions of such a soul, those with whom it does converse, would not, by their proposals or allurements, divert it into any such frame as Christ cannot delight nor rest in. A believer that has gotten Christ in his arms is like one that has found great spoils, or a pearl of price. He looks about him every way, and fears everything that may deprive him of it. Riches make men watchful; and the actual sensible possession of him, in whom are all the riches and treasure of God will make men look about them for the keeping of him. The line of choicest communion is a line of the greatest spiritual solicitousness, carelessness in the enjoyment of Christ pretended is a manifest evidence of a false heart." (John Owen: Communion with the Triune God, pages 238-239)
I spent the evening on the phone with a person who told me that they deserved more from their spouse who was having health and mental health issues and more from their God because they were stressed as a result and life was not rosy and the outlook for the future was looking dim. They were looking for logical worldly solutions to their dilemma. They had expected their church involvement, attendance and prayers, plus "being a good person" to guarantee a yuppie lifesyle in the burbs. There is a lot of mixed up thinking about how God works with man in the world. Part of this I believe is due to widespread scriptural illiteracy. I prayed that this situation would be a growth opportunity for this individual and not a breaking point in terms of their relationship with the Christ who promises to never leave us or forsake us. This is the same Christ who calls us to take up our cross daily (implying sacrificial denial of some sort) and to follow Him in fellowship, friendship, and servanthood. For most Christian people times of trouble are the first times in their lives that it occurs to them to talk to God. When I have spoken of asking God to select my husband for me, (He did put together the first couple, I figured He was qualified to find me the perfect match) people look at me like I am nuts. When I prayed about direction for my secular job, I received specific answers. God wants to be in relationship with us...even wants to hear about lost car keys and what a beautiful morning it is, or isn't. I read a book by Brother Lawrence called The Practice of the Presence of God years ago and purposed that I would make it my goal. I cannot imagine going through a happy, sad or inbetween time without including my Lord in it actively. When I "practice" intentionally, I am at peace and in tune with the Holy Spirit. You may want to avoid me on the other days, when I forget, or ask me if my eyes are focused on where they should be, it will show in my life and in my attitude, both will start to stink if I am not focused on my Lord and Savior.
I will leave you to chew on another thought by Martyn Lloyd-Jones:
"The fatal mistake is to think of sin always in terms of acts and of actions rather than in terms of nature, and of disposition. The mistake is to think of it in terms of particular things instead of thinking of it, as we should, in terms of our relationship to God. Do you want to know what sin is? I will tell you. Sin is the exact opposite of the attitude and the life which conform to, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.' If you are not doing that you are a sinner. It does not matter how respectable you are; if you are not living entirely to the glory of God, you are a sinner. And the more you imagine that you are perfect in and of yourself and apart from your relationship to God, the greater is your sin." Ouch ! Thank you Lord, I'll keep pressing on....

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