
So today, while visiting my elderly father in the hospital, he referred to the attention he was receiving from me sarcastically as being like Mother Machree. Having plenty of time to mull this over on the way home,as well as many other cranky comments he made during the visit, I decided to find out just who he was referring to. He would have been two years of age when the silent film was released bearing that name about an Irish immigrant single parent struggling to work and raise her family on her own. While not a single parent, my husband does have a medical condition that has caused us to decide he would be better as the a house husband and I as the bread winner. In Machree's time being a single parent would have carried a stigma, just as my husband's condition and our choice has. Machree is an anglised version of "Moi chroi", my heart, or "mother of my heart". The difficult choices my husband and I have had to make and live with were made with care and prayer. Being a mother of God's heart,"moi chroi", the way I choose to think of it, has a price, a price I am willing to pay today because of my debt that was cancelled so long ago by Grace. It is by that same amazing Grace that my dad's comments did not stick, sting or define me as once they did, and by that same Grace we are in God's eyes, children of His heart.

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