

You always hurt the one you love, the one you should not hurt at all;
You always take the sweetest rose, and crush it till the petals fall;
You always break the kindest heart, with a hasty word you can't recall;
So if I broke your heart last night, it's because I love you most of all. (The Mills Brothers)

A Pop song of such truth. As dependence waxes and wanes  in a relationship, wether romantic or parent/ child, a cha -cha of approach/avoidance occurs. Loving approach then angry push back and assertion of independence. "By hurting the beloved, the lover wishes to signal that their mutual relationship, and in particular their mutual dependency, should be modified. Hurting the beloved may be the last alarm bell that warns of the lover's difficulties; it is an extreme measure signaling urgency. If the relationship is strong enough, as the lover wishes it to be, it should sustain this measure. "
Our Heavenly Father, not exempt in His divine perfection because of the free will afforded His children, delivers a lament common to parents around the world, 

  1. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [thou] that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children ... the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling."

Another group, another story, different ending. Jesus's disciples were out fishing on the lake, all night long, catching nothing. Jesus watched by the shore and called out to them as the sun was rising,  throw your net over on the other side instead. The words he used to address them were the words a parent would use for a child or a close family member, a term of endearment. They listened and brought in a haul of fish that started to break their nets. It struck me that they never argued with him or told him that it was a stupid idea because after all they knew the fishing business and had been at it for hours. They were willing, fish were caught, empowerment happened. 
Matthew 23:37 KJV

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